T-act FixVUE™ Panel

Determine whether T cells have the potential to mediate cell death. This T cell activation 4-plex/5-color panel enables co-expression of proliferating cells, cytotoxic cells, tumor cells, and the underlying proliferative index and potential for T cell mediated death.

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This antibody panel consists of the following markers:

Granzyme B

Cell Phenotypes

Cell Phenotyping with the T-act FixVUE Panel��

For the determination of cell proliferation and T-cell activation. T-act FixVUE Panel staining non-small cell lung cancer tissue. CD3 (red), Granzyme B(green), Ki67(orange), panCK (cyan), and nuclear counterstain (blue).

The T-act FixVUE antibody panel enables users to identify activated T cells. CD3 is a marker of T cells. Granzyme B is produced, stored, and released by cytotoxic T cells to mediate cellular death in combination with perforin. Ki67 is a nuclear protein that is a marker of proliferation. Co-expression of CD3, Granzyme B, and Ki67 indicates proliferating cytotoxic T cells. SOX10 is a tumor marker for melanomas while PanCK detects carcinomas (provided in a cocktail).



CD3 Granzyme B Ki67 PanCK/SOX10

T cells

Cytotoxic cells

Proliferating cells

Carcinoma or Melanoma

Cytotoxic T cells

Proliferating T cells

Proliferating cytotoxic cells

Proliferating cytotoxic T cells

Proliferating tumour cells



Phenotypes, Markers

T cells


Cytotoxic cells

Granzyme B

Proliferating cells


Carcinoma or Melanoma


Cytotoxic T cells

CD3 Granzyme B

Proliferating T cells

CD3 Ki67

Proliferating cytotoxic cells

Granzyme B Ki67

Proliferating cytotoxic T cells

CD3 Granzyme B Ki67

Proliferating tumour cells

Ki67 PanCK/SOX10

Product Biology


Main Cell Type

Markers,Main Cell Type


T cells

CD3, T cells

Identifies all T cells and is the most specific marker for T cells, including lineage based markers such as CD4 and CD8.

Granzyme B

B Cytotoxic T cells and NK cells

Granzyme B, B Cytotoxic T cells and NK cells

Granzyme B is produced, stored, and released by cytotoxic cells to mediate cellular death in combination with Perforin.


Proliferating cells

Ki67, Proliferating cells

Ki67 is expressed within the nucleus during the phases of mitosis and is strongly associated with cell proliferation.


Tumor cells

CK/Sox10, Tumor cells

The panel may be used to interrogate many tumor sample types for Research. A cocktail of optimized reagents for the detection of pan-Cytokeratin and Sox10 protein markers is provided. Cytokeratins are expressed in cells of an epithelial origin including most carcinomas. Sox10 is expressed in cells derived from the neural crest including melanocytes that give rise to melanomas.