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Introduction of a robust workflow for the whole-slide acquisition and co-registration of multiplex immunofluorescence tissue images for analysis of a 9-color, 8-marker immunophenotyping assay

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Collaboration, FixVUE, InSituPlex

Description Profiling multiple cell types in tissue samples requires more markers than can be supported by conventional approaches to immunohistochemistry. InSituPlex® multipleximmunofluorescence (mIF) technology enables biomarker multiplexing int issue samples with an automated workflow to support discovery of immunecell signatures in the tumor immunemicroenvironment (TiME).Here we have designed and tested an 8- plex immuno phenotyping panel using the InSituPlex® approach to detect and classify T cells, macrophages, and tumor cell in non- small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) FFPE tissue.


Anne Hellebust, Kyla Teplitz, Katir K Patel, Karan Sharma, Amanda Bares, Mael Manesse, Mark Burton, Bonnie Phillips, Sean Downing and Kate Lillard

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