6519 Intratumoral administration of CD1c (BDCA-1)+ and CD141 (BDCA-3)+ myeloid dendritic cells in combination with talimogene laherparepvec in immune checkpoint blockade refractory advanced melanoma patients: a phase I clinical trial

lnoe Rico Montanaria, Ricardo Ramírezb, Abhishek Aggarwalb, Nickvan Buuren, Michael Doukas, Christina Julia Katharina Schwarze, Jens Tijtgat, Gil Awada, Louise Cras, Angela Vasaturo, Christopher Bagnall, Ramses Forsyth, Inès Dufait, Sandra Tuyaerts, Ivan Van Riet, and Bart Neyns

Categories: 5977 Multi-parametric analysis of human livers reveals variation in intrahepatic inflammation across phases of chronic hepatitis B infection

lnoe Rico Montanaria, Ricardo Ramírezb, Abhishek Aggarwalb, Nickvan Buuren, Michael Doukas, Christina Moon, Scott Turner, Lauri Diehl Li Li , Jose D Debes , Becket Feierbach, AndreBoonstra

Categories: 5975 Advances in mass cytometry and its applicability to digital pathology in clinical-translational cancer research

Karina Cereceda, Roddy Jorquera and Franz Villarroel-Espíndola

Categories: 5979 Impaired Dendritic Cell Homing in COVID-19

Lukas Borcherding, Alime Sema Teksen, Bianca Grosser, Tina Schaller, Klaus Hirschbühl, Rainer Claus, Oliver Spring, Michael Wittmann, Christoph Römmele, Éva Sipos and Bruno Märkl

Categories: 5978 Heterogeneity of programmed death-ligand 1 expression and infiltrating lymphocytes in paired resected primary and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer

Jianghua Wu, Wei Sun, Xin Yang, Haiyue Wang, Xinying Liu, Kaiwen Chi, Lixin Zhou, Xiaozheng Huang, Luning Mao, Shuai Zhao, Tingting Ding, Bin Meng & Dongmei Lin

Categories: 5775 Tissue Multiplex Analyte Detection in Anatomic Pathology – Pathways to Clinical Implementation

Keith A Wharton Jr, Douglas Wood, Mael Manesse, Kirsteen H Maclean, Florian Leiss and Aleksandra Zuraw

Categories: 5980 Immunological tumor heterogeneity and diagnostic profiling for advanced and immune therapies

Ralf Huss, Christoph Schmid, Mael Manesse, Jeppe Thagaard, Bruno Maerkl

Categories: 5579 Clinical and research applications of multiplexed immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization

Lisa M McGinnis, Veronica Ibarra-Lopez, Sandra Rost and James Ziai

Categories: 5773 Validation of multiplex immunofluorescence and digital image analysis for programmed death-ligand 1 expression and immune cell assessment in non-small cell lung cancer

Jianghua Wu, Luning Mao, Wei Sun, Xin Yang, Haiyue Wang, Xinying Liu, Kaiwen Chi, Xiaozheng Huang and Dongmei Lin

Categories: 5976 Spatial profiling technologies and applications for brain cancers

Priyakshi Kalita-de, Habib Sadeghi Rad, Harry Gasper, Ken O’Byrne, Sunil R Lakhani and Arutha Kulasinghe

Categories: 5584 Kaiso (ZBTB33) subcellular partitioning functionally links LC3A/B, the tumor microenvironment, and breast cancer survival

Singhal, S.K., Byun, J.S., Park, S. et al. Kaiso

Categories: 5589 Intratumoral Combinatorial Administration of CD1c (BDCA-1)+ Myeloid Dendritic Cells Plus Ipilimumab and Avelumab in Combination with Intravenous Low-Dose Nivolumab in Patients with Advanced Solid T…

Schwarze, J. K., Awada, G., Cras, L., Tijtgat, J., Forsyth, R., Dufait, I., Tuyaerts, S., Van Riet, I., & Neyns, B.

Categories: 5768 PD-L1 Protein Expression on Both Tumor Cells and Macrophages are Associated with Response to Neoadjuvant Durvalumab with Chemotherapy in Triple-negative Breast Cancer

Fahad Shabbir Ahmed, Patricia Gaule, John McGuire, Katir Patel, Kim Blenman, Lajos Pusztai and David L. Rimm

Categories: 5772 Single-Cell Genomic Characterization Reveals the Cellular Reprogramming of the Gastric Tumor Microenvironment

Anuja Sathe, Susan M. Grimes, Billy T. Lau, Jiamin Chen, Carlos Suarez, Robert J. Huang, George Poultsides and Hanlee P. Ji

Categories: 5595 Improving the Diagnostic Accuracy of the PD-L1 Test with Image Analysis and Multiplex Hybridization

Matthew P. Humphries, Victoria Bingham, Fatima Abdullahi Sidi, Stephanie G. Craig, Stephen McQuaid, Jacqueline James and Manuel Salto-Tellez
