5859 Measuring concordance of CD8 and PD-L1 expression in Non-Small Cell Lung cancer between a novel multiplex immunofluorescence assay and a brightfield laboratory developed test
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Presented at: AACR 2020

Measuring concordance of CD8 and PD-L1 expression in Non-Small Cell Lung cancer between a novel multiplex immunofluorescence assay and a brightfield laboratory developed test

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Relevant for

FixVUE, InSituPlex


Shravani Shitole, Monique Johnson, Courtney Hebert, Jamie Buell, Amy Ly, Sean Downing

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Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Categories: 5855 Sequential same slide multiplex immunofluorescence and H&E staining for combined phenotypic and morphologic characterization of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections
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Presented at: AACR 2020

Sequential same slide multiplex immunofluorescence and H&E staining for combined phenotypic and morphologic characterization of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections

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Relevant for

Collaboration, FixVUE, InSituPlex


Shravani Shitole, Monique Johnson, Courtney Hebert, Jamie Buell, Amy Ly, Sean Downing

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Categories: 5846 Utilizing image analysis to characterize an 8-plex immunofluorescence immune checkpoint biomarker panel within the tumor tissue microenvironment
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Presented at: AACR 2020

Utilizing image analysis to characterize an 8-plex immunofluorescence immune checkpoint biomarker panel within the tumor tissue microenvironment

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Relevant for

Collaboration, InSituPlex


Shravani Shitole, Monique Johnson, Courtney Hebert, Jamie Buell, Amy Ly, Sean Downing

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Categories: 5874 Introduction of a robust workflow for the whole-slide acquisition and co-registration of multiplex immunofluorescence tissue images for analysis of a 9-color, 8-marker immunophenotyping assay
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Introduction of a robust workflow for the whole-slide acquisition and co-registration of multiplex immunofluorescence tissue images for analysis of a 9-color, 8-marker immunophenotyping assay

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Relevant for

Collaboration, FixVUE, InSituPlex

Description Profiling multiple cell types in tissue samples requires more markers than can be supported by conventional approaches to immunohistochemistry. InSituPlex® multipleximmunofluorescence (mIF) technology enables biomarker multiplexing int issue samples with an automated workflow to support discovery of immunecell signatures in the tumor immunemicroenvironment (TiME).Here we have designed and tested an 8- plex immuno phenotyping panel using the InSituPlex® approach to detect and classify T cells, macrophages, and tumor cell in non- small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) FFPE tissue.


Anne Hellebust, Kyla Teplitz, Katir K Patel, Karan Sharma, Amanda Bares, Mael Manesse, Mark Burton, Bonnie Phillips, Sean Downing and Kate Lillard

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Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Categories: 5853 Same-slide multiplex immunofluorescence and H&E staining
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Presented at: AACR 2020

Same-slide multiplex immunofluorescence and H&E staining

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Relevant for

FixVUE, InSituPlex


Shravani Shitole, Monique Johnson, Courtney Hebert, Jamie Buell, Amy Ly, Sean Downing


Douglas Wood, Heike Boisvert, Sean R. Downing and Maël Manesse

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Categories: 5973 A multiplex immunofluorescence assay to assess immune checkpoint inhibitor targeted CD8 activation and tumor co-localization in FFPE tissues Copy
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Presented at: AACR 2020

A multiplex immunofluorescence assay to assess immune checkpoint inhibitor targeted CD8 activation and tumor co-localization in FFPE tissues Copy

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Relevant for

Collaboration, FixVUE, InSituPlex


Shravani Shitole, Monique Johnson, Courtney Hebert, Jamie Buell, Amy Ly, Sean Downing


Douglas Wood, Heike Boisvert, Sean R. Downing and Maël Manesse

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Categories: 5882 Case Study: A multiplex immunofluorescence assay to assess immune checkpoint inhibitor-targeted CD8 activation and tumor co-localization in FFPE tissues
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Case Study: A multiplex immunofluorescence assay to assess immune checkpoint inhibitor-targeted CD8 activation and tumor co-localization in FFPE tissues

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Relevant for

Collaboration, FixVUE, InSituPlex

Description Profiling multiple cell types in tissue samples requires more markers than can be supported by conventional approaches to immunohistochemistry. InSituPlex® multipleximmunofluorescence (mIF) technology enables biomarker multiplexing int issue samples with an automated workflow to support discovery of immunecell signatures in the tumor immunemicroenvironment (TiME).Here we have designed and tested an 8- plex immuno phenotyping panel using the InSituPlex® approach to detect and classify T cells, macrophages, and tumor cell in non- small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and colorectal cancer (CRC) FFPE tissue.

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.

Want to meet with us? Check out our upcoming events.
